haku: @author Hu, Z. F. / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Hu, Z. F.
Khan, M. S.
Otsikko:Why is China growing so fast?
Lehti:Staff Papers
1997 : MAR, VOL. 44:1, p. 103-131
Tiivistelmä:Although capital accumulation was a dominant factor in China's economic growth, productivity improvements have assumed an increasingly important role. Because of China's high savings rates and abundance of labor, the significance of factor inputs in china's economic growth is well understood. China has however continued to achieve an impressive record of productivity growth in recent years. China has reaped considerable gains from its market-oriented economic reforms in the past two decades. There are good reasons to believe that the reform process that was initiated in 1978 has had and apparently continues to have an important effect on the rapid productivity growth observed over the past decade.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 164153
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