haku: @author Lu, Fang / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Lu, Fang
Otsikko:China's Banks' transnational operations in the process of financial internationalization (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Macro Economic Management (c)
1999 : 12, p.33-35
Tiivistelmä:In 1999 seven banks of China were listed among the 1000 biggest banks in the world. All these seven banks have established branches abroad. The characteristics of China's banks in the process of the internationalization are: they start late but develop very fast with extensive business scopes but weak innovation ability; branches are distributed extensively but higher-level branches are mainly in Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong; there are a lot of branches but with small scales and low levels. The pressing problems are: the mechanism for the banks' enterprise-style operations needs to be perfected; the operations of overseas banks are out of line with the development of transnational companies; these overseas banks are not familiar witht he international practice.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 209124
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