haku: @freeterm Tropics / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Fearnside, P. M.
Otsikko:Saving tropical forests as a global warming countermeasure: an issue that divides the environmental movement
Lehti:Ecological Economics
2001 : NOV, VOL. 39:2, p. 167-184
Asiasana:Environmental economics
Forest economics
Vapaa asiasana:Tropics
Tiivistelmä:The place of tropical forest conservation in efforts to combat global warming has become a source of sharp disagreement among environmental organizations (NGOs), and also, although they are very loathe to admit it, within their ranks. This paper gives the viewpoints of one participant in these controversies and makes no pretence of detachment or neutality
SCIMA tietueen numero: 228847
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