haku: @author Wolfinbarger, M. F. / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Witkowski, T. H.
Wolfinbarger, M. F.
Otsikko:Comparative service quality: German and American ratings across service settings
Lehti:Journal of Business Research
2002 : NOV, VOL. 55:11, p. 875-881
Asiasana:Service marketing
Service quality
International marketing
Consumer research
Cross-cultural studies
Tiivistelmä:Marketing services requires that companies become familiar with consumer attitudes in different service setting across different cultures. Using items from established measures of service quality, the studiy compared ratingsd of banks, medical care, retail clothing stores, postal facilities, and restaurants in Germany and the United States. The German respondents had lower service expectations, and generally lower perceived service outcomes, than did the American subjects. Five dimensions of service - reliability, empathy, responsiveness, assurance, and tangibles - explained 56 % of overall service quality in the German sample and 69% in the American sample.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 239488
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