haku: @author Noury, A. G. / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Noury, A. G.
Roland, G.
Otsikko:More Power to the European Parliament?
Lehti:Economic Policy
2002 : OCT, 35, p. 279-320
Tiivistelmä:Many observers have expressed skepticism about granting more power to the European Parliament. The skeptics believe that Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) do not vote in a disciplined way and that they vote more often with their country group than with their European Party. Using a unique database consisting of all roll call votes by each individual ÌÅÐ between 1989 and 1999 (over 6000 votes by over 1000 different MEPs), the authors show that the skeptics are wrong. The authors' data shows clearly that MEPs vote more along party lines than along country lines. Party cohesion is comparable to that of the US Congress and is increasing over time whereas country cohesion is low and declining.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 241611
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