haku: @author Cameron, G.D. III / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Cameron, G.D. III
Otsikko:The intersection of law and ethics – at 600 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA: Is it ethical to assert a legal technicality to avoid liability for a debt created by fraud?
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2004 : JAN II, VOL. 49:2, p. 107-113
Asiasana:Business ethics
Tiivistelmä:This paper focuses on the application of the legal rules governing negotiable written promises to pay money, i.e. so-called "commercial paper", and on the ethical implications involved in the application of those rules. More specifically, it asks whether the assertion of the technical doctrine known as "holder in due course", and the denial of that status in some cases, promotes ethical behaviour in the marketplace. By examining the circumstances of one case, involving a substantial investment and a large bank, the author hopes to shed some light on how the legal and ethical rules do in fact "intersect."
SCIMA tietueen numero: 254018
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