haku: @author Turnell, C.R. / yhteensä: 1
viite: 1 / 1
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Tekijä:Morgan, R.E.
Turnell, C.R.
Otsikko:Market-based organizational learning and market performance gains
Lehti:British Journal of Management
2003 : SEP, VOL. 14:3, p. 255-274
Asiasana:Organizational learning
Market information
Financial services
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:In this paper the term market-based organizational learning is used to represent an organization's development of knowledge from competitors and markets that may be created from and stored in behavioural routines, and that are generated through various information processes and enhanced by distinctive organizational values. An empirical test of a model is provided which indicates that: when organizations exhibit more favourable learning values, their market information processing behaviours and analytical capabilities improve, which thereby directly impacts upon market-based outcomes that the organization is able to generate. This model is tested with a path-analytic approach from data generated in the UK financial services industry.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255061
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