haku: @author Skippari, M. / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Skippari, M.
Ojala, J.
Lamberg, J-A.
Otsikko:Long-run consequences of a radical change in the business environment: Dualistic corporate cooperation in the Finnish wood-processing industry during the 20th century
Lehti:Scandinavian economic history review
2005 : VOL. 53:1, p. 44-65
Asiasana:Wood industry
Nordic countries
Tiivistelmä:Drawing on the theoretical foundations of new institutional theory and industrial organization economics, this study defines the business environment (henceforth as: bus-env.) as consisting of both competitive and institutional forces. Focusing on cooperative behaviour of firms, it aims to indicate how strategic responses to radical changes in the bus-env. can have long-run effects (here as: l-r-effs.) on business operations, and how these l-r-effs. shape constraints in the bus-env., generating path-dependent processes. The development of path of dualistic corporate cooperation in the Finnish wood-processing industry during the 20th century is examined to analyze these mechanisms.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 257197
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