haku: @author Johnstone, M-L. / yhteensä: 1
viite: 1 / 1
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Tekijä:Johnstone, M-L.
Conroy, D.M.
Otsikko:Dressing for the thrill: An exploration of why women dress up to go shopping
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Behaviour
2005 : JUN, VOL 4:4, p. 234-245
Asiasana:Consumer behaviour
Tiivistelmä:This paper's focus is on the pleasurable aspects of shopping (hereafter as: sh-ing.) from an experiential perspective, ritual behaviour (here as: rit-beh.) being the focal point. Adopting an interpretive methodological approach, this study relies on phenomenological interviews in explaining how rit-beh. and ritual artefacts contribute to pleasurable sh-ing. experiences. The findings suggest that the dressing ritual is an important determinant of whether or not the sh-ing. experience will be perceived as pleasant or unpleasant. Equally important, the ritual of dressing was found to play an important role for many participants in their maintenance of self.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 258600
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