haku: @author Palm, V. / yhteensä: 1
viite: 1 / 1
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Tekijä:Palm, V.
Wadeskog, A.
Finnveden, G.
Otsikko:Swedish experience using environmental accounts data for integrated product policy issues
Lehti:Journal of industrial ecology
2006 : SUMMER, VOL. 10:3, p. 57-72
environmental protection
input-output analysis
Tiivistelmä:This paper quantifies and ranks the environmental pressure caused by different product groups consumed in Sweden. This is done using information from economic and environmental statistics. An analysis for the year 1998 is performed for approximately 50 product groups using input-output analysis. Two Swedish reports, one for the Producer Responsibility Committee and one for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency are summarized. The findings indicate that the volume of consumption is an important factor in environmental pressure from products as well as impact intesities.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264327
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