haku: @author McGivern, G. / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Addicott, R.
McGivern, G.
Ferlie, E.
Otsikko:The distortion of a managerial technique? The case of clinical networks in UK health care
Lehti:British Journal of Management
2007 : MAR, 18:1, p. 93-105
Asiasana:health service
management techniques
United Kingdom
Tiivistelmä:Managed networks are increasingly common in the British National Health Service (NHS) as a means of streamlining and standardizing patient care across organizational and professional boundaries. However, there has been limited research regarding whether this techinque is the most appropriate management style for delivery of health services. This paper draws upon the authors' research on managed clinical networks for cancer in the UK - a model that set out to guide and develop knowledge flows across cancer service providers. It examines how the initial purpose of these networks was distorted by the broader function of New Labour's "modernization agenda", which has ultimately focused on organizational restructuring and adhering to government targets. This analysis, which develops Lozeau, Langley and Denis's model to the corruption of managerial techniques, suggests that the initial knowledge-sharing purpose of networks underwent top-down "distortion" by the demands of central government. This resulted in superficial bottom-up adoption of the networks model and limited impact upon organizational processes.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 264859
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