haku: @freeterm Fourier method / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Precup, O.V.
Iori, G.
Otsikko:Cross-correlation measures in the high-frequency domain
Lehti:European Journal of Finance
2007 : APR/JUN, VOL. 13:3-4, p. 319-331
Asiasana:statistical methods
time series
Vapaa asiasana:high-frequency correlation
Fourier method
Epps effect
Tiivistelmä:Standard correlation measures cannot be directly applied to raw data because time series (here as: t-s.) are not homogeneous on a high-frequency scale. Therefore the t-s. must be homogenized through interpolation (as: int-n). Another option is to employ methods (as: mhds.) capable of handling raw non-synchronous t-s. This paper compares two traditional mhds. using int-n with an alternative method applied directly to the actual t-s. The three mhds. are tested on simulated data and actual trades t-s.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267206
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