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Tekijä:Ashkanasy, N. M.
Otsikko:Careers in organization science: an essay and commentaries
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2007 : OCT, VOL. 28:7 p.815-815
Asiasana:organizational behaviour
Vapaa asiasana:organization science
Tiivistelmä:This editorial represents the papers in this special “Careers in organization science” –issue of Journal of organizational behavior. The issue contains an essay “Making a life in the field of organization science authored” by William H. Glick, C. Chet Miller and Laura B. Cardinal and three commentaries “Truth’s consequences” by Jeffrey Pfeffer, “Standing out in the fields of organizational science” by Denise M. Rousseau and “Promoting a more generative and sustainable organizational science” by Sim. B. Sitkin. These papers consider weak paradigms in organizational science. The articles give some advice for scholars how to manage weak paradigms that cause a threat to ambitious scholars’ career aspirations.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267285
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