haku: @author Celjo, A. / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Handzic, M.
Lagumdzija, A.
Celjo, A.
Otsikko:Auditing knowledge management practices: model and application
Lehti:Knowledge management research & practice
2008 : MAR, VOL. 6:1, p. 90-99
Asiasana:knowledge management
local government
Tiivistelmä:A knowledge management (KM) audit model is proposed to assist organisations (hereafter as: orgs.) to obtain an accurate picture of their knowledge-based (here as: k-b.) assets and the strategies (as: strs.) used to manage that knowledge across the orgs. In addition, the model also serves as a means for assessing how well the identified assets and strs. meet organisational business goals and strs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267975
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