haku: @author Priks, M. / yhteensä: 1
viite: 1 / 1
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Tekijä:Poutvaara, P.
Priks, M.
Otsikko:The effect of police intelligence on group violence: Evidence from reassignments in Sweden
Lehti:Journal of Public Economics
2009 : APR, VOL. 93:3-4, p. 403-411
Asiasana:police force
experiment design
Nordic countries
Vapaa asiasana:hooliganism
Tiivistelmä:Based on unique panel data on self-reported crime by soccer and ice hockey hooligans, this paper isolates the causal effect of policing on group violence. The problem of reverse causality from violence to policing is solved by two drastic reallocations of the Stockholm Sport Intelligence and Tactical Unit to other activities following the 9/11 terrorist attack in Sep 2001 and the Tsunami catastrophe in Dec 2004. Using difference-in-difference analysis, it is uncovered that Stockholm-related hooligan violence increased dramatically during these periods.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274688
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