haku: @freeterm food culture / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Alonso, A.D.
Northcote, J.
Otsikko:The development of olive tourism in Western Australia: a case study of an emerging tourism industry
Lehti:International Journal of Tourism Research
2010 : NOV-DEC, VOL. 12:6, p. 696-708
Asiasana:tourist industry
case studies
rural industries
Vapaa asiasana:niche markets
food culture
Tiivistelmä:The development of olive growing in Western Australia (herein as: W-A.) and its linking with tourism and hospitality (here as: t-and-h.) offers possibilities for growers to showcase their products. The visitors can experience olive-tasting and learn about an ancient food culture and rural activity 'transplanted' into the 'New World' from its 'Old World' roots. This study explores the dimensions of the emerging niche market in W-A. Using face-to-face and telephone interviews among 23 small olive-growing operations located in this region in order to understand their scope for developing olive tourism, it is suggested that their involvement in olive t-and-h. could substantially offer benefits for visitors to rural areas, becoming a complementary alternative to other activities. Yet, to fulfil this potential, growers heavily rely on greater cooperation within their own industry, and on local authorities and tourism bodies in ways including assistance, partnerships and promotion etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275115
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