haku: @freeterm general human capital / yhteensä: 1
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Tekijä:Amaral, A.M.
Baptista, R.
Lima, F.
Otsikko:Serial entrepreneurship: impact of human capital on time to re-entry
Lehti:Small business economics
2011 : JUL, VOL. 37:1 p. 1-21
human capital
data analysis
Vapaa asiasana:startups
general human capital
specific human capital
Tiivistelmä:This research uses a longitudinal matched employer-employee database to explore how ex-entrepreneurs' levels of general and specific human capital affect their likelihood of becoming entrepreneurs again over time, in a different company, thereby becoming serial entrepreneurs. The results expose a negative effect of general human capital on becoming a serial entrepreneur; the impact of entrepreneurial-specific human capital on re-entering entrepreneurship is generally positive. This study provides a dynamic approach to serial entrepreneurship revealing that certain types of human capital play distinct roles on individuals' entrepreneurial behavior.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275164
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