haku: @freeterm Coordination / yhteensä: 10
viite: 5 / 10
Tekijä:Brusoni, S.
Prencipe, A.
Otsikko:Unpacking the black box of modularity: technologies, products and organizations
Lehti:Industrial and Corporate Change
2001 : MAR, VOL. 10:1, p. 179-205
Vapaa asiasana:COORDINATION
Tiivistelmä:This paper explores the issues of knowledge and organizational coordination that stem from the adoption of modular product architectures. Modularity is a common characteristics of the products that have been studied: aircraft engines and chemical plants. In contrast to much current research on product and organizational design, the authors argue that knowledge and organizational coordination cannot be achieved by relying only on automatic mechanisms enabled by the modular product architectures.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 225037
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