haku: @author Salminen, P. / yhteensä: 10
viite: 2 / 10
Tekijä:Lahdelma, R.
Salminen, P.
Kuula, M.
Otsikko:Testing the efficiency of two pairwise comparison methods in discrete multiple criteria problems
Lehti:European Journal of Operational Research
2003 : MAR 16, VOL. 145:3, p. 496-508
Multiple criteria decision making
Vapaa asiasana:Discrete problems
Pairwise comparison methods
Tiivistelmä:In so-called pairwise comparison methods, the decision maker (DM) makes holistic binary comparison among feasible decision alternatives. The goal is to identify the best (most preferred) alternative using a minimal amount of comparisons. The authors test the efficiency of two comparison methods. The methods studied are Salminen's piecewise linear prospect theory (PLP) method and the convex cone method by Korhonen, Wallenius and Zionts (KWZ).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 246574
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