haku: @indexterm SEASONS / yhteensä: 10
viite: 8 / 10
Tekijä:Higgins, E.J.
Howton, S.
Howton, S.
Otsikko:An analysis of closed-end fund seasoned equity offerings
Lehti:Journal of Financial Research
2003 : SUMMER, VOL. 26:2, p. 243-257
Share prices
Tiivistelmä:The stock price reaction to seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) of closed-end funds and the determinants of the issuance decision are examined in this article. It is found that sample funds have negative average announcement-day returns that are less than the returns associated with industrial company SEOs, most likely because funds have fewer information asymmetries. Issuing funds have higher pre-issue returns, higher premiums, lower betas and lower three-year, post-issue returns than nonissuing funds.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 255853
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