haku: @indexterm FUND-RAISING / yhteensä: 100
viite: 40 / 100
Tekijä:Jia, Huiyan
Otsikko:The status quo of China's financing lease and countermeasures for development (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Research on Economics and Management (c)
1997 : 1, p.49-52
Tiivistelmä:Financing lease is a totally new lease mode which appeared in the 1950s. China's financing lease came into being in the early 1980s. It has played an important role in promoting enterprises' technological transformation and introducing foreign investment. Our measures to be taken for its development are to establish a unified management institution, accelerate legislation on lease, set up a legal system safeguarding lease business and formulate various preferential policies. Besides, we will speed up its development by implementing the policy on the industrialisation of financing lease.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 160425
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