haku: @indexterm National debt / yhteensä: 100
viite: 8 / 100
Tekijä:Ke, Tizu
Otsikko:The potential of the national debt issue and fiscal policies proposed (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Macro Economic Management (c)
1999 : 7, p.31-33
Tiivistelmä:In 1998 China's rate of debts is nearly 10 percent. The national fiscal debt dependence rate is 25.23 percent while the debt dependence rate of the state revenue is 56 percent. According to estimation, if the deficit rate, during the 10th five-year-plan period, is limited within 3 percent, China's annual debt scale will increase by 13.4 percent on the average, and the amount of obligation will reach 598.4 billion yuan in 2005. For fiscal policies we should, on the basis of controlling the scale of national debt, optimize the debt structure and raise the efficiency of debt utilization.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 205006
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