haku: @freeterm KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER / yhteensä: 100
viite: 35 / 100
Tekijä:Mesquita, L.F.
Anand, J.
Brush, T.H.
Otsikko:Comparing the resource-based and relational views: knowledge transfer and spillover in vertical alliances
Lehti:Strategic Management Journal
2008 : SEP, VOL. 29:9, p. 913-941
Asiasana:knowledge management
competitive advantage
vertical integration
Vapaa asiasana:knowledge transfer
Tiivistelmä:In order to explore competitive advantages within the context of vertical learning alliances, this paper compares resource-based and relational perspectives. It is questioned whether knowledge acquisition for new capabilities (hereafter as: capbs.) and performance improvements (here as: perf-impts.) are exclusive to the learning partnership (here as: p-ship./p-ships.), or are available in other average p-ships of the supplier. It is argued that the extent to which such perf-impts. are p-ship exclusive is depending on whether the newly forged capbs. lie entirely within the supplier firm's boundaries etc. There are two forms of perf-impts. untied arising from learning dyads (as: l-dds). Based on empirical evidence of a survey of over 250 U.S. suppliers in the equipment industry, it is found that p-ship exclusive performance, the true source of l-dds.' competitive advantage, is a function of suppliers acquiring know-how within the dyad, developing dyad-specific assets and capbs., and structuring buyer-supplier relational governance mechanisms.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268732
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