haku: @indexterm METHODOLOGY / yhteensä: 1003
viite: 376 / 1003
Tekijä:Yakir, B.
Gilula, Z.
Otsikko:An insightful comparison of brands on an arbitrary ordinal scale
Lehti:Journal of the Market Research Society
1998 : JUL, VOL. 40:3, p. 249-264
Asiasana:Market research
Consumer behaviour
Consumer satisfaction
United Kingdom
Vapaa asiasana:Brand preferences
Tiivistelmä:The ability to rank brands or services from best to worst is a well-known marketing need. The current methodology for doing so is at best ad-hoc. In the paper, some well-known methods from categorical data analysis are combined with some innovative ideas to derive a methodologically sound and statistically testable new technique to compare brands on an ordinal variable. The new technique, based on the notion of stochastic ordering, has the merit of enabling a comparison of brands. It determines an optimal scale under which the brands can be insightfully compared and ranked.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 197150
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