haku: @indexterm METHODOLOGY / yhteensä: 1003
viite: 79 / 1003
Tekijä:Croson, R.
Anand, J.
Agarwal, R.
Otsikko:Using experiments in corporate strategy research
Lehti:European management review
2007 : WINTER, VOL. 4:3, p, 173-181
Asiasana:corporate strategy
Vapaa asiasana:experiment
Tiivistelmä:This article reviews the experiments in corporate strategy research. The paper calls for an increase in the use of experiments in this field of research, and sees the tendency of modern corporate strategy to mostly employ observational methods and using large data sets a limitation. The article argues that experiments are already accepted in many disciplines closely related to corporate strategy, and disciplines not directly associated with economics or psychology could also benefit from the use of experiments. Experiments are seen particularly useful in testing theories. Also the limitations of experiments are discussed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 267823
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