haku: @indexterm HOUSING FINANCE / yhteensä: 104
viite: 25 / 104
Tekijä:Yang, Guang
Du, Huamin
Otsikko:Government to be firmly resolute to cut down house price in Beijing (original in Chinese)
Lehti:China Reform (c)
1999 : 1, p.36-37
Tiivistelmä:House price in Beijing is so high that it sounds extremely unbelievable not only in China but also in the world. What accounts for that? One reason is that the charging criteria and system followed by land users run counter to the good wish to develop housing industry. Another reason is that the monopoly of investing system and the "Black Box Operation" has turned the government-provided favorable terms to the sudden huge profit of the real estate developers. Despite the above, the double tax, the arbitrary collection of charges, the huge institutional purchase market and the lagged reform in municipal investment and to the house cost. It needs the firm resolution of the government to solve the problems.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 197500
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