haku: @indexterm Scaling / yhteensä: 104
viite: 9 / 104
Tekijä:Desarbo, W. S.
Otsikko:A Gravity-Based Multidimensional Scaling Model for Deriving Spatial Structures Underlying Consumer Preference/Choice Judgments
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Research
2002 : JUN, VOL. 29:1, p. 91-100
Tiivistelmä:This article presents two versions of a new spatial methodology that incorporates the effects of brand as well as consumer mass via a spatial gravity model of consumer utility; that is, the attraction of a brand for a consumer depends not only on the distance of the brand from a consumer's ideal point but also on the current market size of the brand, as well as the consumer purchase pattern and volume. One version of the proposed model estimates brand positions and individual ideal points with two-way or three-way pick any N binary choice data. The second version the authors develop provides the same spatial decomposition for two-way or three-way metric preference/dominance data.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 238023
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