haku: @indexterm tax reform / yhteensä: 104
viite: 11 / 104
Tekijä:Kiuila, O.
Sleszynski, J.
Otsikko:Expected effects of the ecological tax reform for the Polish economy
Lehti:Ecological Economics
2003 : AUG, VOL. 46:1, p. 103-120
Equilibrium analysis
Tax reform
Tiivistelmä:An assessment of possible consequences of ecological tax refrom for the Polish economy is presented in this study. The study uses computable general equilibrium model. The model calibrated for the base year 1995 provides results for the year 2005. Six different scenarios have been considered. Both theoretical and practical implications of the ecological tax reforms experiences in Western European countries are confirmed in the final results.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 252993
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