haku: @indexterm Evaluation / yhteensä: 1041
viite: 367 / 1041
Tekijä:Staats, H.
Wit, A.
Midden, C.
Otsikko:Communicating the greenhouse effect to the public: evaluation of a mass media campaign from a social dilemma perspective
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Management
1996 : FEB, VOL. 46:2, p. 189-203
Tiivistelmä:The present study evaluates a mass media public information campaign regarding the greenhouse effect, designed by the Dutch Ministry of the Environment. During more than two months, the mass media (national television, national newspapers, billboards) were employed intensively to make the public aware of the nature and causes of the greenhouse effect, its consequences and possible ways of dealing with this environmental problem. As an evaluation of the campaign was deemed important, the research reported here was executed.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 147497
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