haku: @indexterm Evaluation / yhteensä: 1041
viite: 333 / 1041
Tekijä:Lambert, D.
Sharma, A.
Levy, M.
Otsikko:What information can relationship marketers obtain from customer evaluations of salespeople?
Lehti:Industrial Marketing Management
1997 : MAR, VOL. 26:2, p. 177-188
Tiivistelmä:Relationships are very important in developing and maintaining effective marketing strategies. Due to the emphasis on relationships there is increasing recognition that positive evaluations of business salespeople by their customers should be an important component of salespeople's evaluation process and compensation programs. For example, 40% of the incentives of IBM's salesforce are based on customer ratings. This study explores the relationship between customers evaluation of both business salespeople and the selling organization, and the relationship between managers' and customers' evaluations of salespeople.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 159360
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