haku: @indexterm evaluation / yhteensä: 1041
viite: 121 / 1041
Tekijä:Morrison, M. A.
Haley, E.
Otsikko:Account Planners' Views on How Their Work Is and Should Be Evaluated
Lehti:Journal of Advertising
2003 : SUMMER, VOL. 32:2, p. 7-16
Tiivistelmä:This study examines how the work of account planners in U.S. agencies is currently and should be evaluated. The study reports results of a national survey of U.S. planners regarding these questions. The study found that there are three general factors that planners say are currently being used to evaluate their work: (1) feedback from creatives, clients, and account teams; (2) traditional advertising campaign measures; and (3) awards and press. Of the three, the traditional advertising campaign measures factor accounts for most of the variance in responses. Planners rate the feedback factor as most important, however. Overall, awards and press were not a major consideration in evaluating the work of planners. The study concludes with suggestions for future research.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 252471
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