haku: @indexterm Evaluation / yhteensä: 1041
viite: 26 / 1041
Tekijä:Mole, K.F. (et. al)
Otsikko:Assessing the effectiveness of business support services in England
Lehti:International Small Business Journal
2009 : OCT, VOL. 27:5, p. 557-582
Asiasana:business services industry
small business
public services
Tiivistelmä:In England, publicly subsidized advice to small firms is organized primarily by the Business Link (BL) network. Utilizing the programme theory underlying this business support, four propositions are developed and tested empirically using data from a new survey of over 3000 English SMEs. Strong support is found for the value to BL operators of a high profile to encourage take-up. Support is also found for the BL’s market segmentation targetting intensive assistance to younger firms and firms with limited liability. Allowing for sample selection, no significant effects come up on growth from ‘other’ assistance but a significant employment improvement is found from intensive assistance. This partly supports the programme theory assertion of BL improving business growth and is strongly in line with the proposition that differential outcomes exist from intensive and other assistance. This indicates an improvement in the BL network, from the earlier studies, notably Roper et al. (2001), Roper and Hart (2005).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275399
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