haku: @indexterm Production / yhteensä: 1066
viite: 62 / 1066
Tekijä:Kim, J.
Marschke, G.
Otsikko:Accounting for the recent surge in U.S. patenting: changes in R&D expenditures, patent yields, and the high tech sector
Lehti:Economics of innovation and new technology
2004 : SEP, VOL. 13:6, p. 543-558
Asiasana:High technology
Tiivistelmä:The recent patent increase is decomposed into compnents representing: 1) an increase in resources made available to research and development, 2) an across-the-board rise in the patent yield of an R&D dollar and 3) changes in the patent yield in individual industries. Two high tech fields, computer hardware and pharmaceuticals, account for 22 percent of the patent increase. While these two industries had the fastest R&D growth among the industries that were studied, the pharmaceutical industry experienced a decline in its patent yield, limiting its patent growth. It is shown that increased R&D spending accounts for 70 percent of the patent increase.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 259208
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