haku: @indexterm information resources management / yhteensä: 107
viite: 16 / 107
Tekijä:Lau, T.
Etzioni, O.
Weld, D. S.
Otsikko:Privacy interfaces for information management.
Lehti:Communications of the ACM
1999 : OCT, VOL. 42:10, p. 89-94
Asiasana:Information resources management
Tiivistelmä:The article introduces COLLABCLIO - a testbed for investigating privacy interfaces - and describes design guidelines for privacy interfaces. The authors discuss the privacy interfaces in other domains such as file systems, email, and telephony. They present following conclusions: Privacy interfaces should facilitate the creation, inspection, modification, and monitoring of privacy policies; Privacy policies should apply automatically to objects as they are encountered; One way of achieving these goals is the use of an intensional representation of privacy policies.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 200092
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