haku: @indexterm INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT / yhteensä: 107
viite: 2 / 107
Tekijä:Mistilis, N.
D'Ambra, J.
Otsikko:The visitor experience and perception of information quality at the Sydney Visitor information centre
Lehti:Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
2008 : VOL. 24:1, p. 35-46
Asiasana:information resources management
Vapaa asiasana:visitor centers
visitor experiences
Tiivistelmä:This exploratory study measures visitors' perceived quality (hereafter as: p-q.) of traditional information resources (of staff and brochures, here as: s-and-b.) at a Visitor information centre (VIC) and new resources as to a priori usage (as: a-p-u.) of the World Wide Web (Web). Determined is the relationship btw. the p-q. and the visitor experience at the VIC. A survey was carried out at the Sydney VIC and visitors' p-q. of all information ranked resources quite highly, the Web being the lowest, though. The p-q. of information received from s-and-b. at the VIC explained 2/3 of the variance of the visitor experience whereas a-p-u. of the Web explained none.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268500
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