haku: @indexterm MASS COMMUNICATION / yhteensä: 107
viite: 5 / 107
Tekijä:Crampes, C.
Haritchabalet, C.
Jullien, B.
Otsikko:Advertising, competition and entry in media industries
Lehti:Journal of Industrial Economics
2009 : MAR, VOL 57:1 p. 7-31
mass communication
Vapaa asiasana:mass media
mass markets
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents a media competition model with free entry when media platforms financing is done from both advertising receipts and customers' subscriptions. We create a relationship between the equilibrium levels of prices, advertising and entry, the welfare maximizing levels and the advertising technology. Under constant or increasing returns to scale in the audience size, an excessive level of entry and an insufficient level of advertising is found. The analysis is then extended along several dimensions: the price as a strategic variable on the advertising market, free media platforms and the media quality dimension.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275152
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