haku: @indexterm Regional development / yhteensä: 1074
viite: 258 / 1074
Tekijä:Zhou, Wenzhang
Otsikko:Taking a correct attitude toward special economic zones and gap in regional development (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Special Zone Economy (c)
1997 : 4, p.20-22
Tiivistelmä:The widening gap in regional development, though it goes against our mind and feeling, presents a significant progress in the history of socialist construction in China. The key to arousing people's anxieties lies in "some areas and some people getting rich first". The basic method of relieving them from anxieties is to seek unity of thinking with Deng Xiaoping's theory. Solving the problems of the gap in regional development is a strategic task of reform and development in China in the years to come. But we should never waver in implementing the correct principle of allowing the rapidly developed areas to accelerate development continuously, whatever happens.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 176358
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