haku: @indexterm Regional development / yhteensä: 1074
viite: 242 / 1074
Tekijä:Zhang, Aiguo
Zhang, Shuli
Otsikko:The issue concerning regionalization of China's industrial policy (original in Chinese)
Lehti:China Reform (c)
1998 : 3, p.22-23
Tiivistelmä:The regionalization of industrial policy mainly includes narrowing economic disparity between regions, adjusting the industrial structure and layout structure, coordinating the relationship of industrial division of work between regions and allocating rationally production factors. Attention should be paid to the following problems in its implementation: 1. the premise basis. One is taht the planning work of comprehensive economic zones must be done first. Two is that a national unified market has to be established in order to remove the barriers. Three is that the re-arrangement of property rights of enterprises should be promoted vigorously; 2. coordinating interests between regions and sectors; 3. establishing the necessary policy system.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 182172
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