haku: @indexterm SOCIALIST ECONOMICS / yhteensä: 108
viite: 43 / 108
Tekijä:Zhang, Bingshen
Xu, Yangsheng
Otsikko:On the dual body of socialist market economy (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economist (c)
1994 : 1, p.38-43
Tiivistelmä:In strict sense, government doesn't have the qualification as the true chief body of the market. The body of the socialist market economy can only be the enterprise legal person and the natural person. Nevertheless, till now since the beginning of the reform, individuals as an economic subject has never received enough attention, which does not accord with the development of the socialist market economy. Therefore, attention should be given, in further reform, to the molding of individuals as the economic body.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 130167
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