haku: @indexterm CANADA / yhteensä: 1085
viite: 60 / 1085
Tekijä:Hecht, T. D.
Allen, N. J.
Otsikko:A longitudinal examination of the work-nonwork boundary strength construct
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2009 : OCT, VOL. 30:7, p. 839-862
Vapaa asiasana:boundary strength construct
work-nonwork balance
Tiivistelmä:The purpose of this article is to explore the boundary strength construct through the process of measure validation. Two studies are conducted: in the first study, data are collected from students to pilot test the measure. Second study is a longitudinal field study among Canadian organizations' employees. Analyzes support the two-factor structure of the work-nonwork boundary strength measure and confirm the importance of differentiating boundary strength at home and boundary strength at work. Boundary strengths seem to be relatively stable over a period of 1 year.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270376
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