haku: @author Simonson, I. / yhteensä: 11
viite: 4 / 11
Tekijä:Simonson, I.
Otsikko:Trademark infringement from the buyer perspective: conceptual analysis and measurement implications
Lehti:Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
1994 : FALL, VOL. 13:2, p. 181-199
Tiivistelmä:Trademarks such as brand names may be the most important assets of many companies, but their value depends on the ability to protect them from infringement. In this research, two key tests of trademark infringement are examined: likelihood of confusion and genericness. On the basis of a conceptual analysis, the author evaluates several alternative measures of trademark confusion and genericness, including both existing and new techniques. These measures are contrasted in two large-scale field studies with about 1500 consumers.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 127489
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