haku: @author Hafsi, T. / yhteensä: 11
viite: 6 / 11
Tekijä:Hafsi, T.
Koenig, C.
Otsikko:The State-SOE relationship : some patterns.
Lehti:Journal of Management Studies
1988 : MAY, VOL. 25:3, p. 235-249
Tiivistelmä:A pattern of relationship develops over time between a state-owned firm and its owner. There is not a single, permanent pattern of relationship but there are three possible modes of interaction, which can be combined into a cycle. The state-SOE relationships evolve from mutual dependence and co-operation to autonomy via an adversarial stage. The relationship between the state and the SOE has a significant effect on the management of the enterprise. SOEs can be used as effective instruments of government's economic policy only in the co-operative stage of the cycle. As the relationship evolves toward clash and autonomy, the costs to government of keeping effective control over the firm's behavior rise quickly.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 60657
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