haku: @indexterm ACADEMIC STAFF / yhteensä: 112
viite: 36 / 112
Tekijä:Bailyn, L.
Otsikko:Academic careers and gender equity: Lessons learned from MIT
Lehti:Gender, Work and Organization
2003 : MAR, VOL. 10:2, p. 137-153
Academic staff
Tiivistelmä:The article describes the experience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology after the publication of its report “A Study on the Status of Women Faculty in Science at MIT”. It describes aspects of the academic career that make it difficult for women, outlines three definitions of gender equity based on equality, fairness and integration, and probes the reasons behind persisting inequities. The MIT results fit well into the two first definitions of gender equity, but fall short on the last. Finally, the article analyses the factors that came together at MIT to produce the outcome described and indicates the lessons learned and those still to be learned at MIT.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 244108
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