haku: @indexterm Asia / yhteensä: 1135
viite: 68 / 1135
Tekijä:Park, H. (et al.)
Otsikko:Cultural orientation and attitudes toward different forms of whistleblowing: A comparison of South Korea, Turkey, and the U.K.
Lehti:Journal of Business Ethics
2008 : NOV I, VOL. 82:4, p. 929-939
Asiasana:cross-cultural studies
Vapaa asiasana:cultural orientation
Tiivistelmä:This article reports on the findings of a cross-cultural study exploring the relationship btw. nationality, cultural orientation, and attitudes toward different ways for an employee to blow the whistle. There are two questions: 1. Are there any significant differences in the attitudes of university students from South Korea, Turkey and the United Kingdom (U.K.) toward various ways by which an employee blows the whistle in an organization? 2. What effect, if any, does cultural orientation have on these attitudes? There are identified six dimensions of whistleblowing and four types of cultural orientation. The survey was conducted with nearly 760 voluntary university students consisting of over 280 South Korean, 230 Turkish, and over 240 U.K. students. Despite all the three samples showing a preference for formal, anonymous and internal modes of whistleblowing, there were significant variations related to nationality and cultural orientation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272250
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