haku: @indexterm LAND USE / yhteensä: 114
viite: 12 / 114
Tekijä:Finnveden, G.(et al.)
Otsikko:Recent developments in Life Cycle Assessment
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Management
2009 : OCT, VOL. 91:1, p. 1-21
Asiasana:life cycles
environmental protection
land use
water resources
data bases
Vapaa asiasana:Life Cycle Assessment(LCA)
Strategic Environmental Assessment(SEA)
ecological footprint
exergy analysis
Tiivistelmä:The aim of this article is to provide a review of recent developments of LCA methods. It is discusses: 1) some areas where there has been an intense methodological development during the last years. 2) highlight some of the emerging issues. 3) in relation to the Goal and Scope definition, it also is discusses the distinction between attributional and consequential LCA. 4) the inventory Analysis, this distinction is relevant when discussing system boundaries, data collection, and allocation. 5) it highlighted are developments concerning databases and Input–Output and hybrid LCA. 6) in the sections on Life Cycle Impact Assessment, the characteristics of the modelling as well as some recent developments for specific impact categories and weighting. In relation to the Interpretation the focus is on uncertainty analysis. Finally, They discuss recent developments in relation to some of the strengths and weaknesses of LCA.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274210
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