haku: @indexterm NATIONALISED INDUSTRIES / yhteensä: 117
viite: 24 / 117
Tekijä:Wang, Yuanyuan
Otsikko:A study of grafting and transforming state-owned enterprises by using foreign investment (original in Chinese)
Lehti:Economic Problems (c)
1995 : 2, p.37-39
Tiivistelmä:In recent years, grafting and transforming state-owned enterprises by using foreign investment through many channels have become an effective way for state enterprises to extricate themselves from a difficult position and raise their economic efficiency. The main method of doing so are as follows: 1. Investing all of their assets, the Chinese enterprises set up joint ventures with foreign businessmen, with all of their cadres and staff workers transformed into the administrative personnel and workers of joint ventures; 2. Investing part of their factory buildings, equipments and staff workers, the Chinese enterprises set up joint ventures with foreign businessmen; 3. Transferring property rights.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 139498
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