haku: @author Ursic, D. / yhteensä: 12
viite: 4 / 12
Tekijä:Ursic, D.
Mulej, M.
Otsikko:From a general to an individual perception of an organization - problems along simplification
1994 : p. 715-722
Vapaa asiasana:systems theory, systems, organization,
theory, definition, methodology, phases,
symposia, Vienna, 1994
Tiivistelmä:An organization is not a uniform feature.It is rather defined one-sidedly as perceived by any researcher. Such a simplification causes problems and needs , hence, to be understood and deliberately influenced towards wholism.We should well see the starting points and the choice of the organizational characteristics resulting from them.We should be aware of differences in perceiving and conceiving our systems.There is a lot of stochasticity in them.It causes problems of learning, operation, compromising, and inspiration of the researcher.His approach may be hard, cybernetical, soft , or dialectically systemic.A meta-view may simplify too much.We should rather think about compiling, use of different systems methodologies, and applied checking of their applicability.The phases may be acceptance of self-criticism, social awareness, complementarity and human liberation.The general characteristics of one's research approach, its concrete starting points, viewpoints, phases and individual definition of an organization make a dialectical system, and to it specific characteristics can be added.More creativity may be involved, but also more wholism possible and thus more realism and control over reality's complexity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 128935
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