haku: @author Baum, T. / yhteensä: 12
viite: 5 / 12
Tekijä:Lam, T.
Pine, R.
Baum, T.
Otsikko:Subjective norms: effects on job satisfaction
Lehti:Annals of Tourism Research
2003 : JAN, VOL. 30:1, p. 160-177
Asiasana:Tourist industry
Job satisfaction
Tiivistelmä:To investigate new employees' socialization in a more structured manner, it is necessary to contextualize the process by considering moderators impacting upon the relationsip between unmet expectations regardng workplace benefits and atmosphere. Results show that subjective norms interact on job satisfaction but not on turnover intentions. Good mentorship and family-contact events are recommended to enhance new employees' job satisfaction.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 242871
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