haku: @author Hite, R. E. / yhteensä: 12
viite: 12 / 12
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Tekijä:Bellizzi, J. A.
Hite, R. E.
Otsikko:Improving industrial advertising copy.
Lehti:Industrial Marketing Management
1986 : MAY, VOL. 15:2, p. 117-122
Tiivistelmä:Writing industrial advertising copy is an important but not the first step in the advertising creative process. By precopywriting steps, that is by using accurate marketing research data, by writing clearly, and targeting an advertising message to a clearly defined market, a firm can reduce the waste associated with industrial advertising. In an increasingly competitive environment it becomes crucial to obtain the greatest possible positive impact from each advertising dollar. The guidelines, techniques and suggestions cited and based on a number of research projects, were presented to help industrial firms improve advertising effectiveness.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 47992
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