haku: @indexterm MANAGEMENT LITERATURE / yhteensä: 122
viite: 23 / 122
Tekijä:Greenwood, M. R.
Otsikko:The study of business ethics: A case for Dr Seuss
Lehti:Business ethics
2000 : JUL, VOL. 9:3, p. 155-162
Asiasana:Business ethics
Management education
Decision making
Management literature
Tiivistelmä:An analogy can be drawn between the function of business ethics cases for management education and the impact of classic cautionary tales on their audience. One classic tale is The Lorax by Doctor Seuss. This paper will consider the use of literature in organisation studies generally, and its use as case material, particularly in the teaching of management ethics.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 216465
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